
Contact Judy
Offices in:
Denver, CO
Alexandria, VA

Contact Judy Viccellio

Insurance Solutions

A safeguard from your three greatest risks: Death, Disability, Long Term Care

V-Star Financial Strategies is a brokerage, and can find insurance for almost anyone with any health condition.  We safeguard you from the three greatest risks:  Death, Disability, and Long-Term Care.  We represent the best carriers in every category.  

Let us help you protect your business, your mortgage, your family, your future, and your finances!  Contact us to get the most helpful advice and best rates you will find anywhere!  


Life Insurance Policies

You need your own life insurance policy

Most people have life insurance through their employer.  But, you need your own life insurance policy that will be there even if you leave your job.  We show you a strategy for very inexpensive term insurance, with a foundation of permanent insurance underneath.  Above all, it will help you protect your business, your mortgage, your family, your future, and your finances in a way you can afford.  


Long Term Care Insurance

Protect yourself and your family from the high cost of Long Term Care!

Long Term Care insurance has changed and evolved a lot over the past few years.  Judy Viccellio has led seminars on Long Term Care for over 25 years.  Recently, she was a presenter for a national group of women business owners.  Long Term Care costs will double in 20 years with average inflation, and nothing will deplete your assets faster than 2-3 years of Long Term Care!  Don't burden your family with this huge expense.  Let us help you find the right policy and the most affordable solution.  

senior and child

Guaranteed: Money & Retirement Income

Protect the savings you've worked so hard for!

You've saved all your life -- you can't afford to lose your money in a big market downturn.  

V-Star Strategies specializes in helping you find the highest guaranteed rates of return for your money.  We help people park some of their money away from the market, while getting rates much higher than you would find in a CD or money market fund.  We also help you find solutions for creating your own personal stream of GUARANTEED income for the rest of your life.  


worried woman

American Amicable
Lincoln Financial Group
Mass Mutual
Mutual Trust
National Life
North American Company